Scheme of Examination

A student has to register at least 80% of the attendance during the academic year to become eligible to
appear in the Annual Examination.

Absence from a test involves to loss of marks/grades in that subject and excludes the student from prizes / scholarship / promotion in the next higher class.

Student absent from an examination / test will not be re-examined.

Final assessment will be based on the marks obtained in the periodic test and the final examination.

A student will be examined through 2 Cycle Test Formative Assessment / Unit Test and two Summative Assessment / Terminal Test and class tests (Pre Nursery to IX).

Promotion to the next higher class will depend upon child’s overall performance throughout the year.

Candidate must obtained not less than “D” grade (VI – X) and “C” grade (Pre Nursery-V) to get promotion in the next higher class. For X, XI & XII, the student must obtain not less then 33% marks in each subject to pass the examination.

A child will be considered for Re-Test / Re-Examination (if the performance is not found satisfactory only) at the discretion of the examination committee / Prencipal.

Syllabus (2022-2023)